How To Last Longer In Bed

last longer in bedWho else would like to know everything about preventing premature ejaculation and yoga in order to get more stamina in bed?

Did you know that a recent study has shown that there is a strong connection between preventing premature ejaculation and yoga? Find out the two best how to last longer in bed exercises by reading this article!

Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual problem affecting men under the age of 40. It is so common in fact, that according to researchers more than half on the planet have experienced it as some point in their lives. As with any problem, scientists and common people alike have been trying to find ways to solve it. In this case, we are talking about ways of providing more stamina in bed.

It should be noted that there currently is no FDA approved cure or treatment of PE, which means that even doctors as sort of improvising. What we do know however, is that since PE is caused mostly by psychological factors, the best way to deal with it is by coming up with natural ways to last longer in bed, like psychotherapy and behavioral therapy. Despite that however, a lot of men and doctors prefer the easy solution, yet temporary, solution of SSRI pills which as also known as antidepressants.

A recent study however has shown that there is a very powerful connection between preventing and controlling premature ejaculation and yoga. The study was done on men with premature ejaculation problems, half of whom took SSRI pills, while the other half did Yoga exercises that are known to prevent premature ejaculation. At the end of the study, there was an 86% success or improvement rate reported by the group that took the pills, while that rate was 100% (!!!) for the met who tried the how to last longer in bed exercises! So without further ado, let’s see those exercises that got perfect results:

  • Sarvanga Asana or the shoulder stand
  1. Lie in a supine position with your palms flat on the floor and as close to your body body as possible. Your toes should be touching.
  2. Start inhaling. While you inhale a lift slowly both your legs, while making sure that you don’t bend the knees.
  3. Now, put some pressure on both your palms and try to lift your body as much as possible, while keeping it as straight as you can.
  4.  Stay at this position for a few seconds and then go back to the original position by first bending your knees and then slowly lowering your body back to the floor.

This posture essentially reverses the blood flow and makes your blood flow to your tissues, cells and organs.

  • Supine head knee posture
  1. Sit upright with your legs straight in front of you.
  2. Fold your right leg at the knee and place the heel firmly under your left thigh.
  3. Take a deep breath, then bend down over your left, while slowly exhaling. Grab the toes with your fingers and bring your head as close to the knee as you can.
  4. Stay in this pose for a while and then take your body back to the original position.
  5. Make sure that you do not bend your knee at any time.

This is one of the most effective how to last longer in bed exercises, because it enhances the working of the reproductive organs.

As you can see, Yoga is one of the best natural way to last longer in bed, since it is more effective than the drugs that doctors prescribe to PE patients. Keep in mind though that it’s only one of the many natural techniques and methods to prevent premature ejaculation. If you would like to find out more on how to overcome PE, then you should definitely read the two best guides about overcoming it: Ejaculation Trainer and Ejaculation On Command. Those books have helped countless men with their PE problem and they will definitely do the same for you.



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