What can you do if you don’t already have good mono layer function? What can you do? The very first thing I would recommend I eat as much as locally grown, unread, non GMO food as possible. This is not just to be trendy, this is not just to feel like you’re buying over proved stuff. This is for you or internal health. That think Ayer of cell. You’re on cell away from disaster you want to keep that one cell really happy.
The second one and this one is really obvious and a lot of people have already figured this out. If three food groups alone are responsible for 70% of the calories in the United States and in just talking about bleach sugar, bleach flour and bleach veritable oil. Those three group account for 70% of the calories consumed in the United States. We all understand that the foods that get turned into bleach sugar, bleach flour and bleach virgate oil those are all mom. If you just simply keep those three groups of foods out of your diet that automatically pushes you out of most of the GMO problems.
Audience: what is bleached veritable oil?
John: you walk into the supermarket and every single oil in a bolted is bleached vegetable oil. You don’t want to go online and read the chemical process involved in producing soil, cornflower oil, sunflower oil, canola oil. You don’t want to read them, will horrify you?
Audience: does it need to be 100% organic then? Is that the see to avoid that?
john: shears asking if its possible to get a quality vegetable oil at home for any store and the one oil that I know is safe and reason clean would be extra virgin olive oil if it is organic then we hope that we are then protected format being GMO .
Audience: is that the only one? The other organic oil isn’t safe?
John: the vegetable oil is a huge issue but even when something reads organize , excel or pressed it’s still has gone through some chemical changes that you wold not like if you read about the, the only oil out there that is guaranteed to essentially have a squeeze applied to the original material in this case they all have fruits will be olive oil , extra virgin olive oil . Every other one even if it says something like natural, unprocessed sesame oil there have been some chemical and there things involved that you don’t want to get involved.
Audience: even olive oil? Even Rd. Alders organic?
JOHN: Part of the coconut oil process is to cut the coconuts in half and pile them in the sun for a week. It turns it into copra and then the copra gets salt to the coconut oil processors. If you think that stacking you coconut in the sun for a week is a good part of the process then. I’m not try-on to tell you that oils are absolutely non nutritious or dangerous or unhelpful. There is no food that we can consume that has no problems. Every food from the cleanest most organic will have pros and cons, every food. It’s a step in your favour if you go to the foods that are processed at least minimally, the least processed processing. That’s a giant step all by itself leaving out all of those commercial steps that were necessary to make a product that can be stored and shipped across the world. They weren’t going to make that more nutritious, they were don’t to make it a better food commodity.
Audience: butter from local dairies, is that an ok fat?
JOHN: if you looked at any of this and the part about butyric acid which got its name from butter. It was the first place it was identified. Butter is a really satisfying nourishing healing foods for human beings.
Audience: and when it’s made into gee too much heat?
JOHN: I’ve never ever used that product I really don’t want to talk about it. We finished the front side of the hand out. The last slide in there was stay away from bleach sugar, beach flour and bleach virgate oil. To the best of my knowledge the only fruit oil that you can actually walk into a food store and buy and is not going to have any bleaching chemicals ever used on it would be the olive oil.
Audience: when you say bleached flour do you mean all kinds of flour or wheat flour?
JOHN: 99% of that is wheat flour.
I consider the horrible three to be the bleach sugar, beach flour and bleach virgate oil but there is fourth one because it’s bleached and adulterated as well. It doesn’t have any protein it so you can’t call it GMO but it really ids not helpful and it will tend to disrupt the mineral balances that your mono layer requires. Do you best to stay away from cheap bleached, adulterated, table salt? The implications there is you really need to stay out of restaurant because that’s what they use. These are all just tips.
Audience: what does sea salt mean?
JOHN: salt that originally came from the ocean which front then might have been bleached and purified and heated at 1200 degrees Fahrenheit with what they call anti caking agents added to it. Standard sea salt if you see that on the label there is no protection implied for you in that phrase. Most of the easily available in the United States probably is a sea salt but it’s what happens to it after it came out of the ocean.
Audience: is real salt ok?
JOHN: as far as I can tell it’s one of the best ones out there especially given the price. The other artisan salts, the kellicks and the Himalayan they’re really good and their major virtue is it’s not purified sodium chloride ,lots of other chase minerals , no anti caking agents , no bleaches.
Audience: I just want to point out that a geologist friend says all salts is sea salt.
JOHN: you got it. Part d, the more fermented foods you can eat, and the nippier your mono layer will be. When people talk about healthy guys and they refer to colon functions and the healthy bacteria, the lactobecilian and the other different types the kinds you buy in probiotics capsules. One of the major things these good bacteria do when they are living in your intestinal tract they will take things from the food you ate and ferment. The product of that fermentation you hope is the short change fatty acids you call butyric acids. Butyric acids is one of the most wonderful, viable, nourishing healing substances in his human body. Whether its aspartic acid as beta hyrax bitrate or as the neuro transmitter we call GABA, that gamma amino butyric acid. Butyric acids in many forms is one of the most healing /nourishing /miraculous substances in the hum body. it happens that there is a ton of it in butter which is why we were discussing butter virtues , butter is a wonderful stuff I just haven’t eaten any in 40 years . I find other ways to nourish my mono layer. One of those other ways is carob powder surprisingly high in butyric acids.
You can either eat readymade butyric acids in fermented foods, butter, in cabochon, in black tea and oolong tea or you can have your intestinal tracts, small and large intention tracts loaded with the friendly micros the ones we call probiotics because this is one of their major junctions is to generate butyric acids. They generate butyric acids from what we call soluble fibres. Most of you have heard of the roughage, the fibre that we get from vegetables and fruits. Fibre in plants you would have to say two big classes. There’s the tough insoluble fibre just like those strings in celery and then tree are much order, gooey fibres. There are both fibres but one is called insoluble and that your basic book roughage the other one is called soluble. this is the stuff that is the growth medium for the friendly bacteria , this is the stuff that gets fermented into butyric acids , this wonderfully molecule . There is a draw back with getting too much insoluble fibber. The insoluble fibre tends to wash says, just seep them right out of your colon. it tends to wash away the friendly bacteria, the ones that would have used the softer goober stuff to make more butyric acids they will then heal your mono layer, butyric acids as beta hydroxyl butyrate is actually used by your liver for energy, its used by your sidebar for energy, its known woot be something that reverse kidney damage, your brain susses it as mentioned.
Audience: I have a question on that as far as celery goes, if you cook that celery soft does it become soluble?
JOHN: no but it realises some of its nutrients like cetasterol, alpha carotene compounds. It might become slightly more useable but it still even when it gets through it so still tough insoluble cellouse. her point about is it available to cook these vegetables, to soften these fibres and convert them into more of a material that will encourage the good bacterial that might then encourage butyric acids production , heal your mono layer? Yeas and boiling is actually the preferred technique there. I tried to cram every possible thing I t took me 20 working hours. I was just trying to put everything possible but it is slight abbreviated.
That was about butyrate which is a term for butyric acids that has mineral combine with it. E, was about the fact that nutritional yeast, that sacrimesis serbicia has a non GMO organise m actually encourages your anti bodies that fight lectin, these creeps listed on the front.
Part F, raw vegetables. at that point I was talking g about the fact that there are chemicals in raw vegetables that stifle good bacteria , that deceive cyanide , that have lots of alkaloids. The good thing about alkali is as little almost proteins they can be soften by boiling. Here again boiling is the best possible technique for melting the shape of an alkaloid so it won’t be able to do dangerous things. If you eat your vegetables and I mean actual vegetables cucumbers are fruits, tomatoes are fruits, pumpkin are fruits. If the seeds are on the inside its fruit. Fruits in general tends to be less dangerous than green vegetables where you’re eating the plan and not something that it created to it hopes and cause a new generation to appear.
G was about avoiding the major algens that we know. It just happens that we’ve already identified which foods tend to give people the most irritation in here, meaning damaging someone mono layer. that would be posturized milk , not necessarily from any prices made from pasteurized milk but the milk itself pasteurized tends to irritate a lot of people whereas the same people find that yogurt made from that milk is nowhere near trouble . The other major ones would be wheat flour products and peanuts. Peanuts are scary. If you love peanut butter and get along with peanuts that’s good for you but 80% of the emergency room visits for sudden food allergy in the United States there are form peanuts. People die of eating peanuts.
Audience: peanuts air all nuts?
JOHN: peanuts, goobers, underground legumes. we’re not talking tree nuts. Part H says stay away from junk food, that’s obvious rough? This is not just a personal prejudice here. If it’s worth wild stay away from the commercial glutton free concoctions. If you make something at home in your effort to be glutton free great. if you buy something off the shelf in an interesting little box that brags about being glutton free its goings have so many chemicals in it you won’t be able to read the label .
A point that is made right at the bottom of the page about the enzymes mention at the front, the CYP and FMO enzymes those are mono oxygenises. Their job is to burn off dangerous chemicals. They do that by adding an atom of oxygen to whatever the dangerous chemicals is, the lectin or the alkali that came in from the GMO food. You want to have a lot of oxygen in your system. How do you get oxygen in your system, most of us know the major one that’s to simply keep moving, don’t be a slob. Berating exercises is actually good.
The third one a lot of people overlook. Try not to eat over processed food. Every step in those chemical processes, every stop involved in making bleached sugar, breached flour, bleached oils there is a loss of oxygen. Something that is overpassed, commercially processed is by definition deoxygenated. You want to have lots of oxygen in your system so your mono oxygenise can burn areas the trouble makers, don’t keep stealing the oxygen from them. Stay away from over processed food. I don’t mean you into kitchen stirring up a big pot of spaghetti sauce I mean some large factory where the raw materials have been damaged and then used in interesting ways and then chemicals are added.
Audience: I got a question john, digestive enzymes are they recommended?
JOHN: yes they can be. You don’t want to rely not them too much. What you really want is a good mono layer so that your body is generating its own.
Audience: so the fermented foods would be a good replacement of digestive enzymes?
JOHN: most people find that as there fermented food intake goes up they really do need fewer supplemental enzymes. Those enzymes never actually match what in the human system the digestive enzymes that we reduce.
You want Part I? I can spin it very quickly I hope. The fagle cider index that is just simply a measurement of how fast your white blood u cells gobble up germs in your bold stream. We have this interesting locate, some of them called macro faces and that’s their job. When they run across invaders they’re supposed to eat them up and digest them. we have a measure of how fast they do that and people at <inaudible> cancer state have actually spent time bringing human beings into the lab and feeding them small amounts of very sweet things , honey , white sugar , fructose , orange juice , apple juice , purified rice flour and then measured their faglecidic index, they’re white blood cell activity, prior to eating and post eating and they found that in most people expose use to even an ounce or two a sweet thing , even the ones we consider to be good will reduce their white blood cell activity for up to 8 hours afterwards. You want to just simply improve your ability to resist evil things, whether they’re germs or GMO alkaloids and lectins. Do you best to stifle consumption of very sweet things?
Alcoholic beverages, if you look at the tinketory representation of the alcohol molecule it’s almost the same as it is for sucrose, they’re chemically very similar. Is it a surprise then that alcoholic beverages are not particular good for us? I t requires a lot of B vitamins to be metabolized well, can directly irritate your mono layer? No we don’t do that. The only good news for us is that in beverages that are more popular they tend to be less potent like beer. Most beers are 5% or 6 % alcohol. Wines are 10% -13%. That means there is a lot of water there to dilute the effects.
Part K gets back to Alicia comments just a while ago. the foods that are most easily digested and then riches in these soluble fibres that can become butyric acids or these foods hats are simply already rich in the product of fermentation , the glutamine acids that’s also becomes a butyric acids itself , all these fermented foods out there everything from sour carat to Kim chi they are going to be either good sources of butyric acids or easily turned into butyric acids. Get as many fermented food as you can.