This one you might think only applies to pregnant women. It’s a carongatropin. It’s one of those things definitely involved in the development of the foetus but every human being normally has a tiny level of HGC because it’s there to be invited in how cells grow and develop per all of us not just brand new babies. There is the HGC diets other than that I really dot have to talk about the point is that it is something that at very miniscule levels you do need from normal healthy function to maintain smooth skin for example . Your cells has to replace themselves, grow, specialise in exactly the right ways. These are one of the traits hormone involved in this process as something you eat where is its not supplied to and then steals this out of your blood stream you will slowly show the signs.
Audience: the monolayer have to build themselves in the dark ways and to try and wrap my mind around the one cellular level that biofilm determines. Is it into special foods? Is it in the intestinal tract?
John: this is stationery, this is a layer of immobile cells, part of your tissue. This is her interface of all of the fluids and gasses that circulate ingot subsystem and the rest of yourself tissue.
Audience: some of the supplements, the gluttony in that specifically intestinal healing?
sppeaker1: not specifically
Audience: you know what I’m saying so I kind of identified the epidural layer with the intestinal tract and because most folks are here to try to find out what they can do dietary.
John: that’s not a bad assumption. Given this time I hope to go through literally every plant on that. Is there any other questions right now? I suspect that most of the rest of the time, whatever we’re allotted will be about what on the hand-out, me trying to translate it into words you know clearly. Which things are in very possible food and you can get away from them and they’re actually pretty dangerous? They are all basically nitrogen compounds, every one of those. Sometimes is surprise people to hear this but it’s out there in the real world somehow, some way there are about 500 different amino acids. We only use 24 of them in our normal body functions bit the rest of them are out there. If you ever heard about EDTA and elation? That’s an amino acid there are many available. The ones we use are called alpha amino acids, that just a structural thing referring to how their little bits are <inaudible> but then part b matches things that are almost amino acids. They’re just assembled a little bit differently. As I pointed out earlier we have names for attest 12000 of them. There is no vegetation, no plant food that I can think of that does not contain some alkaloids, and it’s given, all plants have to protect themselves from herbivores. Lectins, those are the proteins I mentioned that it’s specialized to bind with things that have the characteristics they are looking for. It’s like a guy walking around with a key trying to find the lock that fits. Each one of those lectins has found in foods, GMO foods in particular they have the ability to grab onto things, to open their locks. Thousands of them, they’re finding more all the time and that’s their job actually to bind with things.
Nucleic acids, the actual genetic material of the organisms we eat. Unless you’re eating spoonful of salt. Everything you eat has DNA in it, it came from a living creature by definition there is some DNA in it. A, B, C and D for the rest of this hand our t purposes here those are just generically labelled alien portions, the 480 amino acids that we don’t use. All of these a colloids, lectins and other creature generic material. Alien proteins what our protection? Structurally that would be this thin bio fill, one layer of cells and every possible opening. The little cyanides, teeny tiny circulatory vessels inside you vessels and kidneys and that kind of thing. Between the fluid that circulates and the rest of your soft tissues there is the teeny, think layer called the mono layer or if you happen to google it you would look for endothelium. Structurally you have the mono layer, chemically enzymes. These are enzymes that when they find creeps that got through those junctions or damage unction they try to break them down to digest them. Two major types CYP this crocus P450 of enzymes. We have lots P450 genes actually multiples. The average human being have 57 aren’t P450 genes I charge of producing these enzymes. W why do we need 57 genes because we need lots of CYP. In an individual human cell k in your body 75% of all the chemical antibody going on in that cell is detoxed by a CYP enzyme.
3/4 this of the chemical activity all of the changes going on inside of one cell and you have en trillion od then , 3/4ths of them is to get rid food dangerous thing , alkaloids primarily. That’s what the CYP enzymes are designs to deal with. FMO that’s flavone Mono Oxygenise. The CYPs are mono oxygenise too. In case the word mono oxygenise bother you that’s just means an enzymes that adds a little bit oxygen, a single oxygen atom to whatever has come in. this is your body actual level of protection enzymes that burn up dangerous chemicals. They oxidize them. What does oxidize mean? It means add oxygen to something .when you through a log onto fire combustion is our name for fast oxygen. This is you. Your body literally burns off bad alkaloids. With the help of these enzymes what brings oxygen one atom at a time.
Audience: I understand there is anti-oxidant enzyme systems and one of them is glycine and one of them peroxidise. I also understand that glycine is part of the molecular formula of skin. Do you think that interferes with <inaudible>?
John: he was asking if the structural presence of the amino acid called glycine in the herbicide, glyphosate interferes with our normal protection against that kind of thing. That would be a question nobody has tried to answer yet. my assumption would be no just simply because one of the major problems with glyphosate is that it’s such a complicated structure we dot metabolize it very well so we never get the glycine that inside of it. It shouldn’t be an issue.
Part 2b is about mono oxygenises of those two types CYP and FMO as mentioned flavone mono oxygenise. You may recognise that flavone part there. That vitamin b two riboflavin. does that imply that the more riboflavin you have functioning in your system the more FMO activity you will have , the more protection you will have against alkaloids, absolutely . Those two types and actually there are many within the sites there are your bodies major enzyme medic burners of dangerous chemicals the kind that GMO foods are so food at delivering.
Going on to part to b two matching in antibodies. I hope you all have heard about antibodies. In a slightly more technical; worked they are called amino globulins. We have 5 different types of amino globulins A, d G, and M. the good news for you is that amino globulins a is your major antibody . It’s about 80% of all of them volume wise. You get massive amounts of IG and a little bit of the others. What is IG aimed at? specialty its aimed are alkaloids and lectins that you might consume of your bodies massive reduction of amino globulins A most of it so going to be in you respitory tract and you digestive tract probably 3/4ths of all of your IGA antibodies are in your stomach , lungs and intestines. The good news is we actually have identified a food that’s seriously boost your body’s ability to specially boost you body’s ability to produce IGA and that a no GM food. If you check carefully you will see that’s it specifically non GMO. Universal red stars have been making nutritional yeast for hundreds of years and they have a good thing going. They realise they do not want to tamper with if it’s not GMO.
B3 in section two. Nucleases tells you exactly what they’re those are enzymes that break down nucleate acids. What do I mean nucleate acids? That the NA in DNA and RNA. genetic material that’s literally nucleic acids , you’re body creates all kinds of enzymes at every level , every individual cell in you creates nucleases , you digestive retract and your pancreas manufacture major quantities of nucleases especially the breakdown of anything useful.
Moving on to part 3, what exactly is the mono layer? I hope you considered my definition so far our description is reasonably good but I put it on the hand out for you. What exactly is your mono later? in most older text it will be called you endothelium , it’s that single layer of cells that lines everything , every tinny little passage way, you’re interfaces between the outer world and the actual tissues .
The fourth part, that’s the horrible stuff. What happens if your mono layer breaks down? those four undesirables that are listed at the top of the page getting unchanged, a fresh pee in your lungs , unaltered genetic material that can then try to turn you in it or unaltered protein that can then definitely disrupt you hormone balances , change the way your enzymes work. That’s what you feel and those are the most common symptoms. I was going to include but ran out of space, there was an interest experiment just a few years ago Reece’s monkeys being fed GMO foods , developed hair in their mouths but that not a common symptom so I didn’t put it on there.
Audience: john, does pretty frequent abdominal pain after eating that’s indication of…
John: probably 4/5 canvas are related to something like this.
Audience: and eating red star year use will help build up antibodies that can well this?
John: absolutely. I’m not hyping this particular substance but I want to say this is immune boosting , digestive reproducing, stomach lining, and healing substance. It’s extracted from yeast called sarcomeres Serbia. . Ring any bells? That’s nutritional yeast. Sarcomeres Serbia is the same organism used to make nutritional yeast brewer’s yeast , beakers yeast , brewing yeast , wine making yeast , ambush but as you know the beer industry is under intense pressure to succeed commercially so does that mean the sarcomeres Serbia used to produce beer is not GMO? Absolute no chance. They have been tinkering with these brewing yeast for a long time. If you drink any beer at all you can pretty much assume its GMO yeast used to make it.
Audience: even the older beers from the brew?
John: You would have to go to one of the really traditional types form European countries and would till probably have to be a niche brewery but we’re not here to talk bailout the brewery.
Audience: Will there fermented foods also behave in a similar way for the modelling
John: Absolutely. At this point you’re talking about D at the top of the back of the hand-out.
Audience: What about the gluttony in oats?
John: as far as I know there isn’t actually a glutton n oats. the reason why there is a “warning may contain glutton “on package of oats typically is that the oats have been processed through the same mills where the wheat have been processed and may have picked up some glutton from that but I don’t know of an actual glutton protein in oats .
The fourth part was how will you feel if alien proteins starts sneaking through your damaged mono layer? These are the most typical, no hair in the mouth I promise. Look at H, hives, examel, all kids of skin issues, berating populism. Contracted airways, wheezing, something I suffered from for decades until I learn how to stay away from GMO foods, wheat and things like that. dizziness and dissertation , we ever have that but as you fail to improve the strength of your mono layer and those junctions are damaged more and more things will get thorough that will give you those physical reactions . They will steal hormones right out of your blood stream and over time despite the miraculous faction of your body you’re going to develop some serious things. We just call it degenerative diseases which partly implies that we don’t understand how its happening except this is it. As Alicia mentioned earlier.