John: The topic today is how can you protect yourself from evil food and very few of you will be familiar with this particular language. There’s going to be a lot of bio chemistry, I hope I translate them into words that are familiar to you as we go among but this is what it’s going to come down to. I’ve been carrying this book around for 14 years. It’s about generic engineered foods, it has a great quite in here that I translated into my presentation plan. I think you will like this. “You can right now dine in a swanky Italian restaurant on a fine meal of roast eggplant followed by polenta and tomato sauce and then salmon served over risotto followed by fruit salad. yet every item including the olive oil, the peppers and the horse radish sauce is likely top have been genetically engineered .” that comment was written in 1997 by a reporter in London talking about the local food scene. There is plenty good news and bad news about this food. I suppose that seem of the bad is that we have all been eating GMO foods for at least 15 years. The sort of good news is we’re still here. More bad news is according to the National Grossers Association at least 80% of the foods consumed in the united states of 2005 was at least partly GMO. Many years, at least 80%.
More sort of good news we’re not dead or ill, we just feel crummy. The fact that we don’t feel really bad that really comes down to the miraculous of the human body and that the kind of thing I’m going to get into today. The psychological reactions that your body has to stage foods. as you can tell I put together a lot of props to help me get this across.
Some of you may have seen , this is an actual photograph of one of the rats used in one of the fence experiment s that were recently publicized where they fed Monsanto round up corn to the rats and I don’t know if this will be totally visible t but there are some really giant tumours on this rat. To be scientifically valid I have to tell you that this is really not what you think. That particular study had some sparingly good and bad aspects. the first thing about it was that before these particular scientist running this experiment in France released their information they made every journalist who asked for early information to signal an NDA , non-disclosure agreement . As of today those authors of the study have refused to resale all of their info, about 80% of their research data are still hidden away. In this particular study there were only 10 rats. The rests themselves were of a particular strain called sprigged dolly rats. Sprigged dolly rats are infect artificial rats that have been bred to develop cancer. 98% of sprigged dolly rats develop cancer before they die sometimes during their lifetime.
In this case a very small sample 10 rats, no control rats. in this study 5 of the 10 rats developed this Ki doff grotesque problem and I don’t know if you followed me all the way through that but what that means could actually say that their GNO corn radioed the cancer risk from 98% to 50% . That’s not a plus for the good side. there is really little doubt that GMO food is bad , there is tons of evidence of how its destroying the environment, public water supplies, the ocean you name it . All these nasty genes and chemicals then percolate into every other part of the world via air, water you name it. In the context of all the other health destroyers out there in 2012 is GMO food really that bobbed? we already have arsenic in brown rice , biphenyl in baby bottles, coincide in every meal, amoeba is in our tap water , mercury implants in our teeth, GPS chips in our hips .
Are these Franken foods really that bad? Yes they are. Pretty much in every possible way and the specific reasons for not acting them you’re going to hear them and lucky you, you don’t have to take too many news. I just jammed incredibly nuts of information into the hand out which I hope I get to cover. Despite knowing all these horrible things about GMO food, the federal investment since 1995, our friendly federal government has refused to release or require any info a bout which foods are actually GMO. We can’t walk into a store and find them clearly labelled. Californian prop 37 is at a step in the right direction, it has some interning problems to it. The weird GMO rats, these are startling but you u may as well accept the fact that we are all already GMO.
According to t the best evaluation of the human genome, this was Danish research published in 2004 about 8% of the human genome is actually viral but it didn’t happen recently. These were stable pro virus structure and retro transposing elements that we incorporated from viral infections or at least your ancestors did, dome time before 25 million years ago. The weird part is those viral genes re still part of us. An additional problem is the DNA. Once it’s created by a living creature and then in turn creates a living creature is essentially immortal. when a creature dies its DNA does not just fall apart and lose its ability to change creatures , control how they develop , how they survive . As far as we know DNA does not effectively degrade to the point where it’s absolutely biologically useless for 6.8 million years those calculations have been made. one of the most famous palaeontologist in the world within the last couple of years actually find tyrannosaurus red bones with soft tissues attach . Does it mean the DNA can be recovered from that old soft tissues? We’re talking 65 million yard old tissue, possibly. DNA is effectively immortal.
I think you all met this particular gentleman and what his plans are. He intends to walk on stage with one of these on a leash. His name is Jack Horner and he was pretty much the personal inspiration for the Jurassic Park movies. He is right now in Mongolia doing research on whatever dinosaur bones he can find there but this is what genetic engineering is based on. If you find DNA that hasn’t full degraded yet, don’ts matter if its niche soil or in dinosaur bones. If it’s not fully degraded it can be transformed into living creatures now and it will alter their structures.
Some of you probably remember total icons of American literature. Remember the transmogrified, where Calvin could put whatever he wanted in his magic cardboard box, press the button and get another one? That’s what DNA does. DNA’s jobs is to make more of itself and it used creatures as the vehicles for that reproduction. What that means is basically there is all kind soft genetic transfers going on all that time because DNA just wants to become more and more powerful until it can eat the universe. DNA on the surface of the earth really wants to turn the entire surface of the earth into more of it. The bacteria in your teacup right now are bumping together exchanging genes, trying to develop a more powerful DNA set. I can give you two vide examples of DNA trying to turn creatures into more o itself or its particular vehicle.
A few years ago in Chicago there was man who was shelling peas or something at his kitchen table. He accidentally had a little coffee or seeing fit and then he swallowed a pea. Couple months later her needed to have a pea plant surgically removed from his lungs. DNA if it’s viable it will grow if the situation is right. It wasn’t a green pea plant, there was no sunshine obviously but it was taking full advantage of the nutrients is system provided.
Another example of DNA, have you ever had the flu? Aches and pains all the rest of that stuff that’s you being genetically modified by the virus. How do we stop other for genetically engineering us anytime they want? Whether there are the things we call germs or these tiny corporatism that act like evil germs. It takes a really good mono layer. The thing you haven’t heard explained yet. some if you may remember the boy in the bubble, this kid who had no functional immune system so he basically had to be kept in a large plats ice bubble to protect form every possible virus, bacteria , mould , spore eats, all these things that are in our air because he had no functioning immune system . Each of us actually have the equivalent of that bubbly. It’s just shrunken down and internalized. Just like his plastic bubble us really thin. Its one cell, how thick is this particular layer? Most of you have pieces of paper there just rub a piece of paper between a couples of fingers. That’s would be the equivalent of 20 of those, you’re personal plastic bubble protecting you form any evil influence out there.
This is one cell between you and disaster and it’s not just in your digestion system. this is the Molinari, the tiny cells, one cell thick in every possible passage way insist of you , inside your live and kidneys , your heart , your lung s. it’s called the endothelium if you look at older sources. These words will be on the hand-out but this delicate Molinari is one cell thick. If so we hope constantly filtering selecting which things get in, which things don’t. If you want to visualize a windscreen with those little tiny holes ion it it’s as if it’s one of those tin screen but each one of those holes is an active living cell doing exactly what up want it to do. It’s not just a passage way. You’re basic self-defences is to have a very potent efficient minibar. What does that mean? Obviously that means powerful digestion at that cellular level. That’s what that monolayer cells are supposed to do. If anything gets too close they’re supposed to break it down. That’s the digestive process.
If you don’t already have a healthy monolayer are you in big trouble? Yes. Can you change it back, yes? And that’s really what we are going to get to later on. Like I said this information intensive hand-out that you’re going to have. Obviously right now a lot of people do not have a healthy monolayer and in going to give just a few stats on that. For example as of 2000, roughly 2/3 of all doctor visits in the US related stomach or digestive issues. When unpleasant things gets past the monolayer and start wreaking havoc one of the effects is stoke. Stroke now are occurring at all kinds of age levels where they near really did before. In the last 20 years stroke risk for young Americans there would be 20-50 has just about doubled. Know its roughly 1 person in a thousand in that age group and Americans as young as 8 have died of stroke in the last few years. This might sound irrelevant but it isn’t. This is a report released 3 weeks ago by the nationwide health care cost and utilization project ” the numbers that people hospitalize for unspecified eating disorders that means not anorexia or bulimia and for pica are rising rapidly although the people affected most often are women and children the rate is rising fattest for adult males. ” strange eating disorders the doctors cannot easily label and PICA. Strange eating disorders have gone up by 56% in the last 10years, PICA have gone 95% in the last 10 years. What exactly is PICA? compulsive ingestion of things normally considered no edible primarily clay , dirt , coal, hair , paper , fences . The weird thing is wild animals do have what we would consider a form of PICA and I’m not just talking about hens picking up gavel, many wild animals including parrots and other birds.