It pushes excess sugar into our fat cells so anything that is consumed in excess will essentially cause fat gain. Most of us eat way too much food in general and general too much sugar. It’s kind of our innate, i guess, feeling in our innate drive to want to eat sugar. we have a natural desire for it because i think we know that it does produce so much energy and if we took ourselves back, sometimes i don’t like bringing in up cavemen kind of ideas but to the purpose of thinking about our roost and evolution and where we would’ve come from if we were grazing in the wild, in nature then things <inaudible> would have been seen as massive source of the energy and we that innate knowing in us and so we just go for sweet foods and we all do, we love it because we know, but then now because we have excess so much sugar it really not such a good thing because the insulin which is our energy storage hormone is causing more fat gain <inaudible> see other serious health issues to.
So the simple equation is, we ate sugar it equals our blood sugar rapidly rises and generally speaking when we are talking about sugar, we’re talking about refined sugars, refined products. know that all sugar can raise blood sugar but some of it does act differently in the body because we have various different sugars to <inaudible> but it still all does break down to sugar no matter if its complex carbohydrates or a simple sugar just have a little bit different reactions in the body. so when we eat sugar the pancreas responds, it releases insulin to normalize our blood sugar, the body works to hard and cells become resistant to insulin, that’s if we keep putting sugar in and inevitably the excess sugar gets stored as fat. so here we are, but all thinking fat’s the problem when still getting told not to eat saturated fat when in natural fat is sugar and interestingly enough, I was just doing some research the other day, i love doing research and I’m doing a masters in nutrition at the moment completing that and the government’s nutrition guidelines when they talk about reducing saturated fat, they’re actually referring to foods like cakes, pastas, biscuits, breads, pastries, lots of other things like that and to me all of those foods don’t necessarily have saturated fat in them, they have refined carbohydrate, they have a polyunsaturated fats, unsaturated fats, like canola oils and vegetable oils in them and these are the types of foods they’re saying to avoid as far as saturated fat goes but somehow I think they’ve got it all mixed up.
So anyway, we won’t go into that now, but it’s an interesting argument. Just before we go on is there any other questions around that or got to pretty good understanding about insulin, no nothing coming in, ok. So basically when it comes to weight loss and optimum health there are just 3 simple principles, clean diet, this is number one. sometimes people get this mixed up and they’re doing 80% exercise, trying to go crazy every day, over doing it and still not losing weight and I wonder why, well it’s because number is clean diet, when we can get our nutrition on track that is going to equal 80%-90% of our results. it really is, people can lose weight without doing any exercise and activity, i have seen numerous times, exercise and activity certainly does help, particularly in the situation we have just discussed with type 2 diabetes or getting the insulin resistance because we need to activate those cells but when we can clean up our diet and if we can maintain that this is certainly going to produce the best result and what we’ve done in the 7 day detox is really cleaning things out and certainly probably not sustainable to that level on a long term basis because we want to include a few more flavors and want to include some flour to thickening sauces and that type of thing but this is really a basic template and a really very good template that we’ve all known to over the past week on what to focus own. so third in our equation for weight loss and optimum health is our mind set and this is a really big one that i don’t think a lot of people talk about very much at all and i don’t why because it is so important in a very big part of the equation and that’s positive thinking and self-love and care because if we can’t maintain that positive thinking and if were not constantly trying to have that little bit of self-love and care then were not going to be maintaining that clean diet, were not point be putting ourselves as a priority and knowing that this is really important for us, you know that we want to feel great on an everyday basis.
I mean, i think we all know what it feels like to feel unhealthy, to feel bad, to put on weight, to beat ourselves up, we all know what that feels like and none of us really wants to feel like that on an everyday basis and so if we can change our mindset around, just thinking positively every day and focusing on self-love and care like asking yourself if this really going to be looking after me or is it going to be a destructive thing and then we can really start to bring out actions and our behaviors in environment is what we really want and i think what most of us really want is just to happy and feel fantastic and yet often our behaviors are contradicting really what our goals might be. so the basic template has been shown to us really in this detox that we’ve shared together and basically there’s a plate that were looking right now and that might not look <inaudible> all the time certainly but we’ve got bit of chicken breast, a half <inaudible> and a big salad or <inaudible> some good healthy fats and our vegetables and if we can stick to this basic template for the most part, then really that makes up a good basis, a good foundation for us where we have a bit of protein in every meal, we want to focus on our vegetables get loads of those in, a minimum of five serves a day wherever possible. this is a tough one because i find that most people don’t eat enough vegetables and were really need to be including a minimum of 5 serves a day so ongoing <inaudible> and i know that a lot of people have increased their intake through the <inaudible> detox so keep that up.
You can have carbohydrates from whole grains, gluten free ones in moderation along with things like the <inaudible> or the Keynewire or Emmermat, things like that that we can have those bits of carbohydrates but they shouldn’t be our main focus. i mean certainly that doesn’t mean don’t enjoy your bowl of brown rice pasta Bolognese occasionally that don’t use those carbohydrates as the main base of your food in every single meal try to get away from that focus and then include your small amount of good fats because we need fats for many different roles in our body. Now let’s just find that the simple question to ask ourselves is does it come from nature? Is it natural? because generally speaking, most of the stuff that we find on the supermarket shelf that were surrounded by today, its really not natural, most of it is made in the chemical laboratory and despite what the common message is that well it’s still a protein and a carb and fat <inaudible> nutrition panel and a fits within certain parameters, its fine. that’s actually what people think, that’s what researchers do think, that’s what a lot of nutritionist think, that’s what a lot of academics think. personally i don’t believe that, i think quality is much more important, i don’t think things made in a chemical laboratory despite that fact that it may have something on the nutrition panel and necessarily very good for us and from what I’ve seen when, you know, examples of people who follow a detox like this or a diet that i recommend, we say the quality is always much more important. so generally speaking , in 80-020 rule, so if we had 21 meals a week, we might a get 4 meal lee way and 4 meals like eating what you want that’s a lot and i wouldn’t really necessarily recommend going to <inaudible> in those 4 meal lee ways by any means but it just means, you know, kind of go to a social event if you have it in, you don’t have to be too strict about it or <inaudible> deal on a weekend, sort of <inaudible> we don’t liv life in a bubble so we need to engage in social activities, we go out with friends, we might have dinners with them. having a bit of lee way and our eating plan is a really good idea, i mean, if we can follow a 90-10 rule, i mean, i don’t like rules as such but we need to have rules and regulations i think a little bit, otherwise we do tend to fall of the radar but knowing that we can have that lee way, i think, makes us feel less guilty about engaging in things like, you shared before veronica, going to your dad’s birthday and you were on a detox so it was great that you’re only had 1 sip of champagne that i think that if we go to those occasions that is the time for us to let down the reigns a little bit. knowing that that’s perfectly fine and without beating ourselves up like we fallen off our diet or we were really bad, no we weren’t, it was a special engagement, that’s the kind of things we do in social environment, the important thing is consistency and getting back to that ideal kind of eating plan that you follow on an everyday basis, that is the most important think because whatever lifestyle we chose has to be sustainable we see things in diets that cause deprivation where you feel like you can’t have what you want.
It’s actually counterproductive and often causes a lot of <inaudible> and so we want to find something an ideal way with a basic template like these that finding in our ideal way that you can situate you’re eating plan and you daily habit around that you can sustain on a long term basis, so i hope that make sense. how do you guys go with maintaining consistency, I’d be interested to hear about that, are you the type of person that’s able to maintain that or do you tend to binge and then come back and then yeah it’ll be interesting to hear that. I’m just waiting for those comments to come in because i can see people typing.
So veronica just shares that she usually maintains it except when working or traveling and you know that’s the thing, we do when were outside of our normal routing in situations like that, we find it more difficult to maintain things because were not in our normal environment, were not in our routine so that’s fine, i mean, trying to not go too over board is definitely a main goal that perhaps you want to have a look at but generally speaking, we can accept that that happens and not beat ourselves up of it you know and i think that the important part is knowing that we don’t live life in a bubble we have to travel, we do things, we engage in things, thing that going to happen and actually contradictory, it’s not good for us to be beating ourselves up and getting <inaudible> we do get out of routine or whatever else. so yeah, thanks for sharing that. Carolyn says she can go for weeks or months eating well and then just get an attack of the binges, usually when have some sort of problem whether it be work or family which we all experience, i just have to try and control another why not with food, I’m a very emotional eater, you’re not alone by any means and thank for sharing that Carolyn because stress again is a big driver, stress drives out emotional eating a lot of the time and i think that it is one area that many people come undone including myself, were all, it happens to us all. some of that behaviors actually driven by our hormones because we naturally do crave the worst of foods when were under those circumstances and then often when we have stress as well, we lose our focus on ourselves and we might be easier so we find it more difficult to plan good food, we find it more difficult to get it together, different types of things like that, but i think we can definitely develop strategies of controlling that in another way other than food.