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Hi there this is from and today we’re going to talk about weight loss and health principles and most specifically the hormone insulin and blood sugar control and what so important with our health. so what’s we going to cover today is the endocrine system and hormones and we’re going to talk about insulin, what are these and what’s macro god health and increased weight loss results.
I’m going to look at how influences how insulin influences the body and 3 easy principles to follow if you want to lose weight and just be healthy, a basic food template to follow and also what’s next so the endocrine system <inaudible> really really fascinating topic. endocrine system is a really complex system and it corporates the actions of all of our hormones that are secreted internally and externally and these hormones control the growth and maturation in our body and metabolism which is not just how fast we burn fat but that’s what we commonly think of when we think of metabolism but metabolism of distribution of nutrients and many other processes that are involved in our body , so metabolic function, metabolic fuelling of the body to function that’s what hormones are involved in as a major process of control and they’re also involved in reproduction as well. So lots of those major processes are controlled by our hormones and hormones essentially mean to sit in motion.
So we have to think about how these is a very dynamic system that ignites the cascade of physiological responses and that’s an important thing to remember because when in just a moment with insulin, how things get set in motion, when one thing’s occurs, its sets in motion the whole other cascaded things and essentially hormones are there to maintain balance in the body. so newton’s law of motion says that for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction and the body always has a place of homeostasis which is basically balance and will always going to be trying to maintain it. That’s what the bottom is naturally and that’s what the hormones do.
They’re driving all of those metabolic processes, all of those things that are essentially occurring in our body 24/7 that we don’t even have to think about just quite fascinating. So our endocrine system there is are just a little picture that you can see. it’s made up of enzymes that secretes hormones, so all of these glands, these are our main endocrines glands, we have going up from the bottom of the body, our testis and ovaries, then we have our adrenal glands, we have our pancreas which is what we going to talk about today with insulin. We have our thymus, our thyroid gland, our pituitary glands, the hypothalamus and the pineal gland. So these glands, logically control although the balance in the body that we have just talked about hence, it’s ruled by the hypothalamus and the pituary gland in the brain and although these glands are the main hormone producers, we do produce hormones in organs and throughout our body as well. so, for example, the heart produces hormones, the gut produces hormones and event our fat cells produce hormones and the reason why is that hormones are chemical messengers, so the chemical messengers get activated by various <inaudible> conditions in the body and they send messages between the organs, between the glands and to the brain.
It’s a very complex system that’s driving itself and throughout what we’re doing to our bodies, our lifestyles, we have diet, these chemical messengers get activated and drive a lot of the metabolic process that happen in our body with, that is a good or bad thing then we can influence that positively. So insulin is just one hormone we have but we have many or we could have hundreds, I’m not really sure exactly how many we have but we have many of them because as we have thyroid hormones, we have adrenal hormones. the adrenals produce over fifty different hormones on their own so we have a lot of different hormones and it is a delicate system that is largely influenced by our diet and lifestyles so we can really influence these things in a positive way, which is what we’ve all been trying to do in these detoxes, kind of bringing everything back to a level playing field something’s that’s very good to do on a regular basis. just give me give a second my, just going to close this PowerPoint and reopen it because it’s doing weird things on me for some reason it’s not giving the right slides so just trying to see if this is working better, there we go so weight loss and blood sugar/insulin, so over the entire whole objective when it comes to weight loss is generally cleaning up your diet so the foods you eat get your blood sugar to normalize and regulate.
You probably heard of blood sugar regulation before and i talked about weightless a lot, because i think it’s something that everyone generally wants to achieve a little bit more of. i don’t think its necessarily the best thing to focus on all the time, I’m much more inclines to encourage people to focus on health, however, i think that for many of us and many people <inaudible> today, just losing some weights helps to improve a lot of our perimeters and a lot about health markers. So i do tend to rave on about weight loss quite a bit although i don’t think it’s necessarily should be our predominant focus. but generally speaking, blood sugar regulation is very important when it comes to weight loss because most people struggling with weight gain have a blood sugar that’s all over the place and we’ll talk about how that occurs and what’s the effect of that too. so when we regulate our blood sugar, it helps to promote weight loss, fat burning and optimum health because that’s how the hormones drive the body, what we’ve been talking about is that metabolic fuelling of the processes.
So when it comes to weight loss and even general health, sugar is your number 1 enemy, but not just the sugars from candy and cookies and doughnuts and things you already know but things like even fruit juices, breads, pastas, cereals, cakes most also tin goods, dairies in excess does have sugar, it’s the lactose, excess fruits, refined grains and grain products. So during the day, we talked diet, we have eliminated these main contributing factors, predominantly the sugars, even to the extent of cutting out fruit. so ways been really predominantly working on bringing these blood sugar parameters really under even kill, cleaning everything out and as we’ve seen from couple of the emails i received and also <inaudible>, is that she’s, since in wreathless, had lose couple of kilos which is around 4.4 pounds in just the one week and this is how fast the body can actually start to bring things back into focus when we just get these basic fundamentals on track which predominantly diet is the number 1 thing. so we can include whole grains and beans and legumes in our diet because these are fiber rich carbohydrates that do help to slow down that uptake in glucose in our blood stream. but generally speaking, we do want to focus on vegetables as our predominant carbohydrate source unlike, commonly into days society where we’re seem to have a bit of obsession with including everything based on a carbohydrate base, so whether that’s a sandwich or big bowl of rice, a little bit of saucer or big bowl of pasta. We really need to begin to move away from that and focus on vegetables as our carbohydrate source and include some little bit of our whole grains and beans and legumes in there as well.
So it’s a pretty easy picture i find having a visualization is a little bit easier, from we have regulated blood sugar, essentially it just means, we’re on the ultra-fat burning zone and this is because when we have high blood sugar, it essentially stops the burning effect, it chops down various things in our body and so our body just cannot burn any fat, so it doesn’t matter what you’re trying to do, even if you’ve cut your calories down to a 1200 calorie diet which i frequently say people do, it still does not mean you’re going to lose weight, you can still be having a 1200 calorie diet and yet choosing the wrong types of foods and still have a high blood sugar which will prevent weight loss. High blood equals weight gain because insulin is our enemy’s storage hormone, it pushes fat into cells, when we have high <inaudible> we will gain weight or find it very difficult to lose weight and on the other hand, starvation and craving also equals stored fat because that’s a natural mechanism of the body, we won’t burn it because we want to protect the energy that we do have. so the blood sugar roller coaster ride at least this is what i call it, i know, I’ve definitely experienced this in my past and I’d be interested to say, if you’ve also experience the blood sugar roller coaster ride, and essentially it goes like this, you eat sugar and you get a big peak of energy. something we don’t realize at the time is that, that excess energy is going to get stored into fat but soon after were getting a crash, we feel hungry, you can a bit lethargic so we get a big peak in energy, little do we know, excesses is getting stored as fat only to crash a little but later, we feel fatigued, we get tiredness, so we tend to eat more sugar.