That’s a normal, intestinal mucus membrane it would be an electronic <inaudible> picture and this is how it falls apart, how flat it is. It’s just as if it would be a cut her and down here we have the histamines producing cells. Then they make permanent <inaudible>. The effect is allergies, depression, inflammation, eczema, headaches and susceptibility to infection all are <inaudible> to diseases.
this lady had this severe eczema and it was unfortunately allergic against two things dairy and glutton and it was found that the fatty acids could not be reabsorbed anymore because the much membrane they were so flat the <inaudible> decreased. She couldn’t reabsorb the food elements because they are difficult to absorb. She began to drink 10ml of flaccid oil and she just fed herself more or less with <inaudible> and several months later she looked ice this. The eczema was gone.
The Swiss Secret is no longer a secret, it’s a simple thing. I like to come to the united starts and there is one guy who I am very much impressed with, John Wayne. This guy he was already confronted with difficult guys. The ones who he had to fight against thaw worlds. He had the difficult cases. Like myself, I only get difficult cases. John Wayne he just shot out of the waist and they fell down.
This is what I need. I need a moth d which I can just shoot out of the hip at these difficult guys, difficult diseases and 80% of the times the disease would fall down. It’s very easy and I found Dr Rau’s Jin Wayne method of nutrition, no dairy, no wheat and no sugar. This is the most important. The ones are less important.
If you follow this for three weeks strictly they will feel much better. More than 60% of the people who come to me they are not the average people. They are the sick ones, the difficult guys, they couldn’t be helped with normal methods so they are the negative selection. When I measure in our patients the food allergens we are more than 90% of the patients who come but no single one of them know that he or she is severely food allergic.
Just eat different and I tell them this just do this for three weeks. After three weeks they say “I have less headache, I sleep better”. of the diarrea or the asthma is still there continue for another three weeks and then after nine weeks I would say 8% of them are much better,.
They begin to feel that their basic disease of <inaudible> gets better slowly. Afterwards I can test if they are still allergic, <inaudible> and then specifically treat. This is what I describe in my book. It’s very simple.
We have different diagnosis means, like the <inaudible>, the food testing the blood and very important the intestinal flora. The intestinal flora is so important. Did you know you have more intestinal bacterial cells than we have human cell. This skin bag that you see here called Thomas Rau is a bacteria bag, has some Thomas Rau cells but has about 100 times more bacteria than Thomas Rau cells.
Bacteria are helpers, detoxifiers, immune stimulators and not reading diseases. Only if they are no longer healthy wrong bacteria can overcome. Only if in your garden the grass is not food weed comes up. If the grass is good no weed will be there that’s exactly the same thing in your intestinal system too and its describes in his book very simply. It tells you how you can do the detox eek. How you can do the three weeks cure to change the intestine and the metabolism and how you can maintain it.
The maintaining thing is the most crucial thing on the long term. You have to thin different and I always get asked about the scientific background. If you want to get to the source you have to swim upstream. Pioneers don’t have road map therefore I can’t show studies which other doctors did because they haven’t done this yet.
Thank you so much for coming to my presentation. We will answer some questions and I am hoping to see you in beautiful Switzerland. Thank you very much.
Audience: the sulphur that you mentioned that is in the meat is that something that’s naturally <inaudible> or is that something in the food when they are fed?
Dr: they are foods which have more sulphur and they are a constitution of patients who tend to bind and mule and utilize the sulphur and these patients they suffer a lot. They get more mucus, skin problems. The highest concentration of sulphur is in meat especially pig meat. that’s why we suggest to not eat pig meat but many preservatives that are used for meat conservation for example when you have ham from a in which looks so beautifully red they pump sulphur containing things into the <inaudible> so that it comes from inside and this preserver this fresh rd. colour. To reduce sulphur we say less meat.
audience : I’m wondering if you would say something about <inaudible> some of the contaminates that are in foods today such as hormones , antibiotics in meat and pesticides for example peanuts<inaudible>. Some of a relationship to <inaudible>
dr: there is the principle food allergy and there , I don’t know the real word which makes the effect of the allergen more which I tried to explain which are preservatives. All the anti <inaudible> or the anti-fungi remedies which spray on the <inaudible> or on wheat. The animal concentrates a toxic or a preservative or a hormone about factor 80. If a cow is fed with grain to make good muscles and to grow quickly they give grain. The grain they retreat with herbicides or insecticides so that grows quickly.
The grain is normally genetically altered so that I t makes more glutton and protein. This cow gets a clinically, genetically changes d protein kind and concentrates these preservatives or whatever it might be its substance so in milk or in its meat. of a cow is kept in calf to produce real meat then the cow that gives the milk is fed with such grains that produces milk and he milk concentrates 80 times . So we have 80 times 80 which makes 6400 more times concentration than what was in the beginning.
That’s what we eat and we still believe that we are healthy. My strong belief is that we are not healthy.
Audience: <inaudible> organic nuts. Organic nuts can still be a probable allergen, do you think it’s because of the mild that naturally occurs in nuts that makes people more susceptible to nuts even though it may be organic?
Dr: ii believe in a ways it’s the same question. You ask if the mould which is on these nuts because when you preserve the nuts they are very good cultures for mould. I think the mould allergy can be important too. This we can also test. we have IGE test , its another kind of allergy against mould/ for example if you have an allergy to wall nuts or peanuts which I s quite frequent in the untie d states and you feel li half an hour or two after eating then its most likely a mould allergen not the nut itself . The nut itself would be IGE and only begin to work in three days.
Audience: <inaudible>the oil in nuts gets rancid so quickly in the nuts.
Dr: the nuts contains a lot of food oils but they can get rancid. This you will feel when you eat them.
Dr: yes but where do you get them from?
Audience <inaudible>. Is this an issue?
Dr: the question of this sentiment was is the gene modified food a problem or an issue in relation to heat I explained. That’s a very difficult question. I can’t observe and follow long enough. As you sat correctly in Europe there is much more controversy. For example in Switzerland we had a public vote, the population asked for a public vote and the gene moderated food is now forbidden.
I don’t have the experience. What I know is the gene moderation for example for grains and wheat makes much more glutton. When you look at the main allergen it has shifted since the last twenty years some is started to research the food allergy. When I began this whole thing, when I learnt from DR Burt man who found an out about all these then he said glutton is not really important, nuts and eggs are important.
Now days it’s absolutely different the main allergen is cow dairy, the second is glutton and the glutton allergies have increased very much. they create skin diseases , asthma and hay fever and these things as I have explained but they also cause neurological problems ADD, nervousness, hyper irritability of children and also adults haves very often relation to the gluten.
This comes because the glutton containing in the bred went up by factor 3. In Germany the gluten 60% of the bread, this changed from 20% to 60% in the last 30 years and this makes the bread so good.
Audience: are you saying that this is a learnt allergy or a genetic allergy? Secondly as a child I was <inaudible> dairy was <inaudible> to be allergic to build an immunity to. I assume your thesis is the opposite of that. If so how do you respond to their thesis?
Dr: this is a very professional question you asked. I’ll repeat, is it better <inaudible> to increase this allergen? So that your body gets used to it. That was the old approach. The idea of desensibilizaton which is still done with the skin de sensibilization. When the children get hay fever they get pollen in inbreeding dosage. This is as a treatment on different level and it works.
The problem is that you do not really change the cause of the allergy which is always in the intestines. For several allergies it does not work and that the basic food allergens.
These allergies which you determine in your childhood. within the first 18 months the intestines are leaky and if you eat something which is not correct for the body , it’s a foreign protein and the baby is feet it then this works as an allergen and makes the t cell memory cell. These allergy that remain you can’t de sensitize them. that’s against the food components that you got in the first 10-18 months of your life which is normally grain products or egg products and now days the dairy products.
The cow’s milk have a protein which the human milks doesn’t have. It’s the beta <inaudible> and this protein is a highly allergies substance. Therefore when a baby is breast fed and gets early in his or her life the foreign body of cow milks then the allergy gets fix but t this is always an intestine allergy and it remains lifelong.
We believe that children should not be fed with cow’s milk until the age of 12-18 months.
Audience: what’s your experience with acid reflux or heart burn?
Dr: the heart burn that comes from the stomach is acid reflux. This normally is a phenomenon. It can be when he muscle is not tight, the <inaudible> doesn’t closes and the <inaudible> comes back. Especially after the acid <inaudible> or a protein rich meal. Then it comes back because you’ve too much acidity.
On a long term it is very east to treat. You would just change the diet so that the body <inaudible> but it takes a certain time.
In him first 6-12 weeks you really need to take a lot of alkaline powder which binds the acidity in the stomach. After that you produce less acidity in the stomach then you don’t need these remedies anymore, it’s quite the long process.
In the beginning diet<inaudible> alkaline powder to bend the acidity. Perhaps in heavy cases in the beginning even for several weeks continuation of the orthodox remedies but afterwards you can first reduce orthodox remedies then you can reduce the alkaline powders if you continue the diet. It’s easy but longer term. I would say it works always.
Audience: when you refer to glutton you refer to wheat only. What about <inaudible>? Do they have a substitute grain that the <inaudible>.
Dr: that’s a good question. The celiac disease is a disease which occurs in about 1% of the people. It increased also from about 1 per mil to 1%. It’s quite frequent now a days that children have celiac disease and this mean that they are specifically allergic to glutton. Glutton is in wheat, in rye and in others. Opts not <inaudible> and not in Kong or rice. Therefore the glutton affects people or children, the Celia children or the half celiac. The adults who have glutton sensitivity, they are not classical celiac. That’s why he orthodox, gasteontologist they say they are not glutton allergic because they don’t respond to the glutton test nu they are still glutton sensitive very much and they have more glutton intake the feel much better.
They have to eat <inaudible> or rice or <inaudible>, or bark wheat. These are the glutton containing wheat. This is in my book.
Audience: <inaudible>
Dr: I do not believe that many people are allergic to flax seed oil. I think the ones that are so called allergic they just can’t break up. Their intestinal membranes are too flat still so that they can utilize this oil. Oil is not every easy to absorb and oil can only be absorb if you have a good bile production. the liver and bile production has to be good and if you do on this flax seed allergy or non-well absorbing , if you do give them a liver or bile treatment with bitter substance <inaudible> which activate the bile flow then it normally works .