for those of you who don’t know me my name is Desa Vanderhogan and I’m the executive director of the Marion Institute. The Marion Institute is a member based, non-profit that acts as an incubator for a diverse array of programs and serendipity projects that seeks to find a solution fort the root cause of an issue in the realms of sustainability and social justice. We have seven programs and thirteen serendipity projects both locally and globally. We work with individuals, schools and communities to help change in areas of health and healing, sustainability, green economics, environmental education, spirituality and much more.
As one of the Marion Institute seven programs , the biological medicine network BNM is dedicated to the health and healing and is the North American representative for biological medicine. BNM is dedicated to the vision of complete health and wellbeing through the advancement, accessibility and widening availability of biological medicine. The doctors and auctioneers of BMN advocate taking personal responsibility for your health. BNM recognises the need to have alternative forms of healing in this world that has become so keen on quick fixes without addressing the root cause of the problem.
The program uses biological in its title because it literally, means the logic of nature. By listening to the body and observing the environments in which we live, biological medicine freeze our natural healing systems to do what they were intended to do rejuvenate, replenish and restore.
A biological medicine diagnosis does not need the same cookie cutter, cure all approach for each person. Instead biological medicine treats the person not just the ailment. With many allergens peeking in September it is perhaps perfect timing for DR Rau to be speaking with us today. September is actually the time in which asthma related hospitalizations and death rise particular towards the end of the month when rag weed and leaf mould are in full swing.
With the start of school, we also become exposed to a number of air borne toxins that our children bring home from pet dander to dust mites. In addition there also has been a rise in food related allergies. Birth of these types of allergies can trigger asthma flare ups. According to the World Health Organization, asthma affects an estimated 3 million people worldwide and is responsible for approximately 250 000 deaths annually.
As we modernize it seems that allergies and asthma rates are only increasing. Perhaps the steroids, inhaler and anhistomines are not where the answers lie to this growing epidemic our environment and ea. ting habits are all things it take into further consideration. Tonight DR Rau will discuss how allergies and asthma represent deep disturbances in the immune system. The underline premise of the Marion Institute is to address an issue starting from its root and to provide solution.
We believe that biological medicine addresses the problem from its root and heals the body from the inside out. The stresses of modern society are increasingly toxic environment and lack of appropriate nutrition all contribute to our current health crisis.
We feel biological medicine addresses them systematically and individually. I will like to take a quick second to thank the board of directors in the Marion Institute, co-founders Mikey and Margie Baldwin and the Marion Institute’s director of biological medicine network Barbara Christian who works tirelessly to improve the health of the people in North America. I will also like to thank DR Thomas Rau for being here too share with us this important information in his expertise in these topics tonight. as one of the world’s leading doctors of biological medicine , founders of Parcel’s biological medicine , author of the Swiss Secret to optimal Health , proud owner off a Harley Davidson and the chief medical director of the Parcel’s clinic in Switzerland we are thrilled that you have taken the time and are committed to spreading your knowledge , intuition and love into this community . hopefully this is the first of many bio med lectures in New Bedford and without further ado I would like to welcome our guest of honour, an implementer of mother nature’s will to heal , a slayer of toxins and healer and advocate from <inaudible> worldwide Dr Thomas Rau.
Dr: many thanks that you cam ego this lecture. There is even on guest here from Norway. I said “are you here by chance?” and he said “no I only came for you “. Thank you so much for a organising since many years, all my speeches and my seminars and Dees thank you for those beautiful word and introduction and for doing to the work for the Marion Institute.
I had a big chance in my life to meet the founders of the Marion Institute about years and Marie and Michael Baldwin and by having this relationship it grew an d so the stem of seminars and the hundreds of patients came together who have benzene to the Parcel’s clinic in Switzerland in the last 15 years. Now it’s more than hundreds of patients per year from the United States who come over to Switzerland to get treated. This year it will probably be 150 patients form he united starts and we are very proud that we have this opportunity and this nor to treat those patients. <Inaudible> who really absolutely off the track and takes this effort to come her end I would say it’s just the case of who hasn’t been successful in orthodox medicine. Most of them had a big experience already, years of disease before they came to us.
Now comes the question what is different then and about this I would lie to talk a little bit to you. I’m not alone here the next days we will be doing two big seminars close by here. It’s one of the series of educational seminars we do for many years for occurs and practitioners and my dear friend and partner Dr Frank Lewis, Mr <inaudible> is also here. If you have questions please ask him. He works in the clinic for several years too. So to say he is the American doctor who treats American patients.
biologically the right way and to understand biological medicine its imprimatur to understand the background and what we are thinking g. we never treat diagnosis , we never tart a disease , we always treat the person and we always treat the backgrounds , the reason why the patient got a disease .
The Parcel’s clinic for the ones who don’t know us yet is a clinic in Switzerland, it about one hour east of Zurich. We are located in the pre all’s in a very beautiful area and landscape. Parcells’ exists for 52 years and it’s by now the biggest centre for biological medicine in the German speaking world. We treat out and we treat in. Number wise, the bigger part is the out patients who come from Switzerland and from the area. Normally we have about 10-35 in patients who live close b out hotel and are treated for 1-3 weeks in our clinic.
These patients they normally have difficult disease in which they were not successful before or it just <inaudible> or chronicle diseases but also acute diseases for example asthma or allergy. I always say I’m happy to get a patient who has asthma and allergy because this I east. The healing chances are very high as you hear from many other patients. It’s easier to change the little things and then you asthma gets significantly better.
myself , perhaps I will tell you a little bit more afterwards when I have time, I’m a severe asthma patient myself and I have absolutely no ore asthma. If I fall back into bed, <inaudible>, which means wrong food or not caring for certain things which are the causes of my asthma then it comes back after a certain time.
The condition <inaudible> stays but by changing your <inaudible> it can just be totally compensated. before for example when I was a child I could never go in a windy summer day , I could never go outside or go to the swimming pool it would be impossible because I had asthma . Now she told you I have a Harley Davidson. I like to drive around and I don’t have the slightest bit of asthma even if it is a windy summer day because I just obeyed my <inaudible> and I do these things which I’m not allowed.
We have here some addresses, when you have questions please don’t hesitate to ask. If you are interested you can also go to the webpage Parcells’s clinic is quite big , we have 9 e medical doctors , 3 dentist by now and quite a big staff of 85 [e[le permanently who work f of r us and with us . the team ids very big because we need al lo t of therapist , nurses because we of a lot of IVs , we do a lot t of treatment which our nurses do on the patient.
Our hotel provides the correct food. Foods is the most important thing in allergies and asthma. to recognise individually what kind food you are sensitive , what is the background allergy because what expresses as asthma , what expresses as hay fever, what t expresses as a high tail fever or whatever allergy I you might have there is always an intestinal problem or intestinal allergy which in most time is the basis of your secondary allergy which expresses as asthma. The diagnosis to show which foo d you are sensitive to because you don’t notice. Which food are sensitive to – this has needs,
specific diagnosis and afterwards a change of diet that you have learn but most of the times its very simple at the end of the speech I will tell you what in most cases you have to avoid.
During the sat in our beautiful clinic you get this diet for a certain time and you fee; that allergy and asthma is away within several weeks. Who treats differently has to think differently. If you would not think differently we would have the approach <inaudible>. This is not our thinning. If you approach this way jest replace a chemical remedy it a plant or natural remedy it wouldn’t work because that’s the wrong approach. We have to move the e abuses and not the effect, this is the basics of or treatment,
Our program is very individualized. Therefore we never treat diagnosis. If you come with an allergy, if you come with rheumatoid arthritis or whatever you have you get treated differently than you get because we retreat the metabolism, we treat your individual system and never the diagnosis, never the expression. Especially in a disease which has no know n cause. It gets difficulty because what would do we treat if we don’t know the cause.
It makes you more alert because it changes your inner system, it changes your acid base, it changes your up building system, and it changes the whole body not only the organ with the disease. That’s why the whole body also includes the brain and the brain gets healthier and you feel more alert without methods.
It makes you heal from chromo disease, if you have something wise you will feel that it gets better too. It makes you less susceptible to diseases and infections. It’s very important for children who have infection. They lose this susceptibility. We know that in Switzerland and the united states it’s not better and also the same for Germany where a verge child get 4.5 times per year antibiotics. the average child Switzerland and I’m sure here it’s the same gets antibiotics 4 times per year , anti – against , bio – life, against its life system.
Understanding that ant biotic are needed against bacteria because the bacteria causes the disease that’s not true. We need our bacteria’s and the bacteria don’t cause the diseases. The disease is caused but the wrong in you which you have inside yourself and on this wrong bacteria can grow but the bacteria is not the cause.
It rebuilds tissues within months, that the rebuilding thinking. In orthodox medico it unfortunately doesn’t have the rebuilding thinking that each organ rebuilds all the time and it bring s you away foremost remedies. That’s why they fight against it because our patients no longer need remedies and it makes you look and feel younger, for most people that is the most imprimatur thing. It’s also an anti-aging medicine by itself. Does it really work? We don’t speak now of allergies but yes it worked. About 95% of our 250 prostate cancer with high PSA were highly satisfied with our biological treatment after 5 years.
if a patient with breast cancer stage one comes to us and we have the opportunity to treat e this patient for long term , these patient have a very high chance not to get < disease, in our more than 200 breast cancer patient who came in this w y to us we didn’t have a case who at least as far as I know , who got <inaudible> within the next several years and <inaudible> colitis which does in the immunity sector of diseases like asthma <inaudible> are in 2-3 years are 80% healed. These are there kinds of diagnosis which from orthodox medical stand point are every difficult to treat.
Why does our treatment heal asthma and allergy and here I can really say healing within 2 years because we try to detect and move the causes of the disease. food allergies is the most frequent back ground for asthma and other allergies, heavy metals , mineral deficiencies and hyper acidity and wrong intestinal flora . We look at these point which is very important for other diseases too. Until now if the theme for today would have been cancer or colitis or osteon arthritis or whatever disease the speech would have been the same because it is very basic.
When we look at this point who are the most frequent causes of allergies are other <inaudible> diseases for example rheumatoid arthritis would be exactly the same list then we see that these causes are very frequent. We see heavy metal in 80% of all our patients, at least heavy metals are very important. When you go to our new web page, I tried to make simple texts there w. what makes the disease text is the most important thing and people get more and more toxic now adapts. Not only we have a higher <inaudible> bit load we have a lesser detoxification system.
what it detoxifies, what takes all these loading factors out of our body is the intestinal bacteria but if we already begin in children to destroy the intestinal bacteria , with this anti biotic , they wold be the main detoxifier of the body, hey would work like a blossom paper and absorb the toxins <inaudible> but we do have them anymore.
If we look at asthma patients and we look at <inaudible> and we measure their intestinal bacteria we always see that their intestinal bacteria is destroyed, at least much less that should be. children who gets sick all the time when the up built their intestinal flora, when we try to do a simple detoxification and when we take their food allergen away then they are the healthiest in the classes after 1-2 years , they no longer get sick and of course they don’t need any antibiotics anymore.
We know that allergies are in relation to histamines that’s why you have to take anti histamines but what is the best anti histamines? Zinc is one of the elements. Zinc is a natural histamine. There are statistical numbers even in the United States, by state statistical numbers as we have in Switzerland our health department makes statistics. They see they have been looking since 1950 at what is the intake of the patients of the average America. I think you have such numbers also, our grandfathers in 1950 they ate 45 grams average per day and they had a minerals and chase element intake of 10%.
Now, 60 days later we have a mineral and trace mineral intake of 22% and the protein intake of 300%. The balance is different from 60 years ago. Even though we believe that we have healthy food, its extreme unhealthy and it takes away the basis for anti-allergic activity in it body because we don’t have the elements anymore.
It’s a significant difference that’s why now a days you have to look at what you eat and you have to supply this. on the argument “if I eat health then everything will get better ” probably you will start to egret a little bit better , if you take these correct things , which we at Parcel’s can specifically find what you need we can upgrade and then with healthy diet you can maintain .
They hyper acidity come from too much protein intake. Why does it <inaudible> because it follows three items. Firstly the mufti causality of the diseases. Nobody knows why you have rheumatoid arthritis, nobody knows why you have cancer, it’s not known hay asthma occurs it just comes from inside. It’s a disease of unknown cause. Because it does not have one cause, it has causes that the important thing.
This is what our medicine nowadays doesn’t reflect on. Diseases now are multi causal. We have to act on May causes for example <inaudible> rheumatoid arthritis. Nobody knows its cause that’s why we can’t do anything g but if we look for the patient. What can be the loader factor we find heavy metals.
Now as we have this diagnosis it’s based on many of different factors. Let’s take the allergy as an example the allergy to cat hair or to clone our hay fever everybody knows that in pollen they make this allergy, the case is the <inaudible> but why don’t have? You are exposed also. It can’t be only this. Why do you react as much to something which everyone is confronted? The pollen is not the cause. The histamine is the cause and that’s why you have to take anti histamines and then you will get better.
If you take antihistamines your alertness decreases. In this case you will have to take <inaudible>, this doesn’t decrease the alertness. If you take <inaudible> it will destroy the bones, it destroys your adrenal glands and your stress capacity goes down.
This is only one aspect. Let’s look at the <inaudible>. What is and where comes this histamines which your body produces. It makes your nose congested a, it makes you cough and makes you have fever. Interestingly enough iota id produce in the intestines and makes a basic levels of histamines. by any factor when you are confronted with your allergen , the pollen or the cats or whatever might be the allergen it becomes a little bit higher and then the diseases spreads but the causes is that you have too much histamine production this histamine production can be changed if the intestine gets healthier. You have to work on the intestine so that they can produce less histamine. I will show you how to do it afterwards.
We can even find out if this is the case in you. Is it really from the intestines? we can test the intestine and mucus membrane surface w, we can test the intestinal bacteria , we can test the food allergen , its simple test . I don’t understand why all the doctors don’t do this. of you have am mineral deficient including zinc,, including magnesia , including <inaudible> , all these elements that are counteracting the his times if they are low the histamine expresses.
We have a second approach, we can increase the natural anti histamine minerals by correct food and by analysing this hair mineral analysis, blood analysis if you really need them or not. We can test all these things in the Parcel’s clinic in Switzerland. The intestinal flora binds the toxin. It makes a ceiling in your intestinal surface and if the intestinal flora is all over the intestinal mucus membrane like the grass on the football feed then if it covers the whole intestinal mucus membrane then the histamine can’t be <inaudible>. It produces less of this histamines because the intestinal flora like the grass on the football field binds it and baffles the whole thing. therefore if you have a decrease intestinal flora you will get much more <inaudible> diseases because your immune system is depending on this intestinal flora but you being already as a child using four times the anti-biotic , four times per year. It’s a very strong treatment. you are against your intestinal system .
Who wonders that the same children some years later they get allergies, they get asthma or they get even higher <inaudible> diseases. Did you know that the <inaudible> diseases are the fastest progressing diseases in the American children? They get <inaudible> rheumatoid arthritis, <inaudible>, colitis. I have rheumatoid arthritis children at the age of twelve. This is absolutely abnormal. This is the disease of old people not of children.
<Inaudible> colitis, I have girl who is twelve years old. she was told if we didn’t get effective in our <inaudible> and other immune suppressive remedies and <inaudible> she didn’t grow anymore because of the cortisone perhaps sooner or later we have to remove the <inaudible>. Two years later no more diapered, no more medication. We found the cause <inaudible> intestinal flora, found the food allergen, removed it out of the diet and the girl is healed.
It’s always the same, heavy metals are very important, nutrition is therefore so important. This thinking fits for many diseases asthma, arthritis, <inaudible>, allergy, it is always the same background d which we have to work none. therefore of someone comes to our clinic even before I see him or her we do a stool taste , we do the intestinal flora , we do the heavy metal , testing, we do the food allergy testing from the first day so that we can specifically treat and change the internal <inaudible>. Therefore after several weeks the patient gets better,
The key to getting health is by regulation. This means the body can fix many things by itself, this is call regulation. A very simple example of regulation is temperature regulation. Now we have very comfortable temperature here. Your inner thermostat is fixed on 98 Fahrenheit. If you go to Arizona outside is 120 but still 98 inside. Where is the cooling system here? If you go to Montana in the winter time -30 and still inside its 98 Fahrenheit.
The same system heats or cools. This means regulation. There is somehow, however a thermostat. There is somehow, somewhere a heating system which is in the liver and the muscles and the intestines and there is a cooling system which cools you down, this is in the skin by sweating. How do you know that you have to activate this or the other? There’s is a sensor somewhere. You have it in the nose. Inside the nose you feel how much the temperature is and the program tells you now you have to cool or you have to heat.
This is perfect regulation. We have thousands of examples of this. Did you ever think about making heat inside or cooling? Do you think about pulse? Do you think about breathing? Do you think about equilibrium? Never. There are people who can’t do this, they think it turners but it doesn’t turn. They have no more temperature regulation. The stool doesn’t function by itself any more or they have diapers. These are all disturbances in the uncurious functions.
Theses unconscious functions are destroyed because of such things. There comes a patient with severe <inaudible>, sever vertigo, severe diapers but nobody finds the cause. we measure all these things we find multi plea causes and we remove <inaudible> and the diaper disappears, the vertigo disappears because it takes a long time until the second approach of different thinking , the rebuilding of the new cell appears.
Did you know that in seven years n not a single cell is the same as it is now? You are not just the marble tile, marble pillar. It is only orthodox medico that says “there is a disease and this stars like the <inaudible> narrowing and therefore we have to replace, we have to make by pass or we have to stretch it out “.
Even the arteries, even the joints, even the brain cells, even the eye cells they rebuild. If you want them to rebuild better so that you have better organs toy have to feed them better. And support all what they need for rebuilding better and remove what they had so they will not get so sick.
if you look at the regulation blocking things then you see toxins , heavy metal , hyper acidity and hyper propane it is always the same things which we find. Therefore we look if a patient comes and have a disease for example very life limiting pain, <inaudible> or <inaudible>. The disease expresses and makes the symptoms.
As a good doctor I will just take a cup and catch this eater which overflows symbolically but we do differently. We take the big Paracell’s drill and we make a hole in here and the load reduces and after a certain time the symptoms and disease will be gone.
a patient come with asthma and after three weeks our patient , an example which I have very often in our clinic I used to be a rheumatologist and I used to have a lot of rheumatoid patients. Therefore I attract rheumatoid arthritis, and colitis, all these <inaudible> patients. They come to our clinic with asthma and after 2 or three weeks they feel better. Be careful you will go home and all these things which shake your barrel will be back in your life again. Even though the water is here now after three weeks if you have something which makes a big shake in your barrel it will over flow again. You will have less but still re occurrence.
This could occur because it takes many months until the barrel gets less and less fled. This is a process of many months normally even if we treat very intensively. It’s just something that you have to know. Biological medicine works, it’s absolutely amazing how it works if we do me very swiftly but it takes time. If you want to be basically healed then you have to spend a certain time and that’s why you can’t come to us for six mutants. Of course we would like this but you can’t because of time, because of other obligation, because of money but we have to do a very intensive treatment for two or three weeks.
This <inaudible> begins ether empting of the barrel, of the toxic loads, the rebuilding of the cells but afterwards you gave to continue. that’s why I would like to have colleagues here in the united states who will help to continue the treatment that’s why I come here to do seminars and networking .
You have to change our diet continuously there are a lot of other causes which we can see for example the dental problems which we very often see in patients. that’s why we integrate in our clinic biological dentistry then we do the dark foil where we see the hyper acidity . It’s a very good tool, it’s such a good tool that in certain states of the United States it’s forbidden because there would be nowhere to go if the people were really healed. it’s a very good tool that shows quickly what the patient has and we have the <inaudible> but this I have to chump over because it’s a little bit of much . It’s a test that shows us if the patient has a food allergy or inflammation or even cancerous tendencies.
Heavy metal detoxification removing the amount of <inaudible>, not only the removing but removing correctly and afterwards draining. Draining means detoxifying and all the things that are counteracting this heavy metal, this taxi element we have to give too. For example <inaudible> zinc, vitamin c and allergies. Allergies is very important because it replaces this detoxification effect of the intestinal bacteria.
If you want to up build our own <inaudible> and paper in our intestines, the intestinal flora it takes several months. For this time until you are so far we give to the patient something that replaces them and works to absorb the toxin allergies. All the patients who have neurological disease like <inaudible>, brain defines, Parkinson, <inaudible> they always have fatty acids and vitamin deficiencies. They need oils, they need omega three and six but specifically and in a very high dosage hyper acidity… this comes from diet and ha to be treated too. These are the three most frequent process of all chronic diseases.
The intestines are so important and it shoes that ethyl are the intestinal bacteria, they are the main factors for our stimulation of the immune system, the very most import stimulators of the immune system. All of what I tell you now is in my book The Swiss Secret. It’s this book that tells you about all these backgrounds but also what to do with nutrition so that you can change this factor.
The intestinal flora are our detoxifier. I told you the most important cause from chronic disease is toxic load but how do you normally detoxify with the intestinal flora. therefore when you continuously destroy the intestinal flora by wrong nutrition, by preservatives into the nutrition, by long shelf time food which you buy in the shops, with anti-biotic which you get from where it might be then it destroys you immunity system, it destroys also the detoxification system and the barrel foils and ten years later you get sick with cancer, <inaudible>, chronic brain diseases.
Do you ever think about why do we have millions of Alzheimer’s? Why didn’t they exist ten or twenty years ago? Does this have to do with the toxic load? Yes of course it has. Does it have something to do with the decrease in take of very good fatty acids, food for the brain? If you don’t feed your brain cells over the years they degenerate and they get old. I’ll give you an example that it works without anti biotic. I had a patient she had a basic allergic phenomenon, a very sever disease, <inaudible> pneumonia who like asthma destroys the lungs on a long term, makes <inaudible> and reoccurring inflammations. What we did on this is patient, she has been in essence to all the specialist with this <inaudible> pneumonia and she as on permanent steroids, permanent anti biotic and still this young lady had <inaudible>. She couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t walk up the stairways to my office.
We found parasitic forms in the dark fields, we found a sever change in the intestinal flora system and we treat it. I did not treat the lung, I only traded her <inaudible>, the nutrition, the up building of the intestinal flora and colonics, rebuilding, washing out the intoxication. After two weeks this was the dark field instead of this. It’s a different magnification but you can see how much less it’s loaded. If you are doctors or professionals you can see within two weeks that this chronic pneumonia is <inaudible> changed significantly. Even though I took was the cortisone and the antibiotics and she is still healed after ten years. How can they do in parcels with such an unscientific treatment?
When you hear the ethic of this doctor, member of the doctor society of Switzerland. “So unpruned and unscientific.” . That’s an argument I hear all the time and nobody really cares if our patients are healed not. The intestinal mucus membrane are the biggest organ in the human bod. They have very fast lead generation time, they produce hormones and Nero transmitoes.
If you have a brain it decreases alertness. If you depressed you have <inaudible>. These are the fatty substances which is provided from a good nutrition. They came from the intestines and <inaudible> they come from the intestine. You can give your food to your nerve cells and your brain cells by changing this intestinal system because then the serotonin, then the dopamine, all these substances they increase and histamine decreases. They are the home of the regulation system.
Very important the insentient is the site of the t lymph cells. New born, 98% of all immune cells are in he intestinal walls. Of course we gave the <.>, and the lymph glands as well but 98% is in the intestine of the new born. School age children still 98%, old people like we are 98% of the immune cells are in the intestinal walls. .
If you have a decrease intestinal surface the wall will be too small. Of you have decrease in intestinal surface, the healing cells which are the immune cell s which you would need for your asthma, which you would need for your allergies will be decreased? Destruction of the intestinal wall leads to immune weakness, <inaudible> diseases or cancer.
Let’s look at these children who get anti biotic four times for the year afterwards it still not better and we even get antibiotics, if the cancer rate perhaps goes up by four or what is already the case after
This practise of giving intestinal wall destroying things <inaudible> diseases goes up like crazy.
We have an epidemic of <inaudible>, <inaudible>. It’s the disease which have the strongest increase in numbers in the United States. Your immune just <inaudible> crazy and begins to react against whatever organ. This is then called auto <inaudible> disease.
Why and how do we destroy it? If this is all true what I say. The consequence would be that in our population we will have a big destruction ft. the intestines and that’s the case. Therefore we began in our clinic with just testing everybody. Anyone who comes to the clinic gets tested for food allergy and what did we find? 60% of the population is food allergic.
I called the biggest lab in Germany who does this test. “Everybody is food allergic” the doctors in this lab in Mines told me. “That’s a fact now a days”
“But what does that mean and why content you know that you are food allergic “because it’s a t cell allergic. It’s an allergy that fixes on this intestinal immune cell but they react three days after they get confronted. If you are a food allergic against milk like I or pizza and you take a dairy product you will feel it three days after.
Even more important you get this food normally every day. you don’t feel it because you are in a permanent t cell reacting situation and you don’t feel it anymore because you get so used to it but the intestinal wall destroy and destroys . Even the <inaudible> they know that until you only have the first symptoms of intestinal disease like food allergy you need to agave your intestinal surface reduced by 1/3 before you didn’t have any symptom. These patients they don’t have the symptoms on the intestines. Nearly no food allergy patient tells me about intestinal systems. They tell me about hay fever, asthma, about infections susceptibility, joint pains, headaches, migraines but the cause is intestinal food allergy.
if you look at all our patients and hits <inaudible> I just measured I just asked this doctor ” what do you find on your food allergy test that’s ?” that’s the one who does it for the whole of Germany and Switzerland, he says ” always cow’s milk , wheat and nuts”. Simple things which we eat every day. Secondarily which increases the effect of this <inaudible> food allergen is the phosphate increase. Cocoa and <inaudible> contains these substances w hic preserves the taste which makes this strong taste, it’s a strong acid, the sulphate as a persuasive.
The sulphate in meats is another element that can hurt very much and are <inaudible> but very important is the sulphate in drinks. Therefore children or adults know of such thing. Pepsi, coke or sprite etc. they all contain these elements. Even the ice tea contains it because it tends to make addiction. That’s another cause that’s why comedies put it in.
It makes this very special taste which children likes so much and this is an amplifier for the bad effect of the food allergies. In the beginning I said allergy, asthma easy comes to us, my heart jumps with joy because these are easy to heal. When we find the allergy, when we find the bacteria, when we find the <inaudible> deficiency we replace and the asthma goes away.